Sweet Hangman
Every time you select a wrong letter, the sweet little gingerbread man will lose a limb. Can you unlock all levels and solve the puzzles?
Text twist 2, the latest of the lot
Before all the other word games, there was Text Twist, first and foremost. Now, to give the word enthusiasts something fresh and more thrilling, Text Twist 2 was released. This sequel continues to stimulate its players’ minds by its incredible new modes and updated settings. It is always good to have something new from something that has been there for a long time already. It seeks to give its fans a more exciting letter-scrambling experience.
How to Play the Game
The basic mechanics of Text Twist are easy to remember and they are very similar in Text Twist 2. The goal is to form words by rearranging the given letters on the game board. Each word you form corresponds to a score depending on the word length. The ultimate key to moving up to the next level is to form a single word from all the letters given. This is fondly called as the Bingo Word. You can click on the Twist button to scramble the letters. In the sequel, a Pass button is now available. You can move on to the next round up to two times even without guessing the Bingo Word. This is a game which doesn’t only require intellect but also presence of mind and alertness.
Classic and New Modes
The two classic modes in Text Twist 2 are the Timed and Untimed Modes while the three new modes are Crossword, Lightning, and Word of the Day. In the Untimed Mode, you get the luxury of playing without pressure but if you choose to play the Timed Mode, you are only given 2 minutes to guess the Bingo Word and the rest of the words. In the Word of the Day mode, you are given a new group of letters every day. The Crossword mode gives you crossword puzzles that are so exciting and challenging. The most challenging mode is the Lightning where you have to guess the words at the speed of a lightning.
Text Twist 2 is the more updated and the more modern version of the all-time favorite word game. The game has a bigger dictionary with 25,000 words. Graphics are more stunning as they are matched with background sounds that make your heart beat fast. New settings are also added. You can choose to play up to 6-letter, 7-letter, or 8-letter bingo words.
It’s the perfect game for young and old alike.
Children as young as five years old can start practicing their spelling skills
by unscrambling the letters given in the game and putting them together to form
new words. They can start by guessing three-letter words and they will
eventually move on to the more difficult ones. It is simply a computer game
which can be a great learning tool for your kids. Text Twist 2 is also a great
game for those who are older especially if boredom strikes. With the different
modes available, adults can test themselves with this game as it keeps the
brain active. Millions of people are hooked in this game. It’s fun,
challenging, and very addicting too!